- Variety Info
- Sowing Info
- Growing Info
Variety Info
Days to Maturity: 58 days
Family: Fabaceae
Type: Snap Pea (Learn more)
Native: Western Asia, Europe, and North Africa
Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annual
Exposure: Full sun
Plant Dimensions: 30" tall
Variety Info: 3" long, stringless, crunchy pods produced two per cluster. 'Cascadia' is a snap pea resistant to pea enation mosaic virus and powdery mildew.
Attributes: Powdery Mildew Resistant, Pea Enation Mosaic Virus Resistant, Frost Tolerant
Sowing Info
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date, when soil temperature is at least 40°F, ideally 60°–80°F and again 10 to 12 weeks before your average first frost date. In Mild Climates, sow in fall or winter for winter harvest. Best grown in temperatures less than 85°F.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended.
Days to Emerge: 5–10 days
Seed Depth: 1"
Seed Spacing: 2"
Row Spacing: 18"
Thinning: Not required.
Growing Info
Harvesting: Snap peas should be harvested when peas are plump; pick regularly to increase yield. Use scissors to harvest or hold vine with one hand and pick the pods with the other; vines are fragile.